Oraborus Musa

The Golden Viper of Othard

Common Knowledge

Child of the Steppe, draped in soot and gold


Race: Xaela (Auri)
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Height: 6'4" (Pygmy)
Build: High muscle definition (Jacked)
Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Birth date:
Professions: Monster Hunter, Yakuza
Affiliations: The Musa Clan, Karasu
Languages: Xaelic (native), Hingan (fluent), Common (beginner)
Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: Assertive, Venturesome, Silver-tongued
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship: Taken
Nickname(s): Musa, The Golden Viper
Voice Claim: Kōichi Yamadera (Akiyama from the Yakuza Series)


GamblingHolier-than-thou personalities
The SteppePower Hungry Cravens
SwordsmanshipWannabe Gangsters

Notable Features and Details

"Did you see that mongrel cut a man in half? Blood everywhere."
The scent of mint and tobacco stain the clothes of the Xaela, whilst the lingering fumes of dried blood remain ever present.
"Not much of a looker anymore, not as a cyclops."
One of the most noticeable features of the Xaela is the ebon cloth draped upon his visage, masking his sight.
"What're ya gonna do about it, Tiny?"
Compared to majority of his kind, the Xaela lacks the immense height. His vertical stature comparable to that of a taller Hyur.
"Just look at him, damn savage looks like a walking battlefield."
Chiseled muscle definition of a proud hunter married to a plethora of scars spanning across the entirety of his frame. Ranging from vicious formations of scar tissue across his chest to that of an intense bite mark scarred upon his throat.
"Don't talk to him, don't even look at him. That's the damned Viper."
Encompassing the majority of his back, the traditional Doman tattoo of twin vipers are permanently etched into scarred skin. Its intricacy and elaborate flow reflecting its wearer in tandem.
"Watch the tail."
Where the Xaela lacked in height, many often humor it had all went to his tail. The elongated appendage paired with a serrated edge running upon the end is often seen casually swaying about, with rumors of it sharp enough to be used as a blade.
"Take care, Child of the Steppe, for your flames burn as bright as your home."
Rumors surge of the Xaela during combat, no matter the instrument, incandescent golden flames accompany him into battle. Its intensity always leaving a blinding spectacle of violence.
"There's a reason I stopped carrying knives on me."
Blades, fists, firearms. Rumors spread of the Xaela utilizing all, with some tall tales mentioning of him stealing weapons from his opponents to use for his own benefit.


If you have to burn it all to the ground, then let it burn

Under Construction

Polak needs smoke break, come back soon! WIP


Memories which will never fade away

The Musa Clan

"There's no greater feeling than being atop of your Yol, spending hours tracking your prey, the rush you feel when the thrill of the hunt overtake each of your senses. To feel that adrenaline. To know that so many others share that experience, and all /hunt/ to keep it alive. There's nothing else like the Steppe, no one else like my Clan, we're monster hunters.. And I couldn't be more proud to be a Musa."


"What a wild ride it's been, from riches beyond your wildest imagination, to rags and 'trying to survive'. If this life has taught me anything about the Yakuza, it's knowing that all your power can be stripped away from you with a single explosion.. But the other lesson was knowing the man who gets beat down isn't the loser, the man who can't tough it out until the end, he's the one that loses."


"The largest of her brood, the most vicious creature to set flight within the mountains, the infamous untamable monstrosity, my most trusted companion. Even with everything I've put you through, of all our hunts, all our adventures.. Of the people you to this day act as a medical evacuation for. You've always remained at my side, through highs and lows, until our last breath. Bonded together as hunter and Yol."

Willow Tyata

"The woman whose ambitions reach beyond and challenge the heavens above. I met you as a Viper trying to coil your way towards a life of luxury and comfort. And you turned into a huntress that strikes fear into even the most hardened of criminals. Though what always remained was your persistence and ambition, and the love that blossomed from it all. I couldn't have asked for a better mate."

Jiro Takamura

"Decade in prison and you still come out the same cunt that tries to become a martyr for everyone, eh, Takamura? Of every crime we committed, you always held steadfast in your views, and now that maturity is an anchor for so many others. I know without a shred of doubt your guidance and wisdom will steer the family in the right direction, and even through everything we've been, I'm still proud to call you brother."

Harunobu Kurou

"This was a companionship I never would have expected in my life. To know a proud Xaelic warrior spent so many years traveling with Hingan nobility? I still can't thank you enough for spending the time to teach me how to understand and even speak your language. Though with our paths finally separating, I have nothing but gratitude for you. Thank you, brother, Suzaku light your path."

Lasse Raine

"One of the best candidates the family could have ever asked for when it came to leadership. Her kindness feels contagious and her willingness to work alongside the entirety of the house is a breath of fresh air. I only hope for the best when it comes to the new Lady Raine. Her capability in tea time translated perfectly into battle and healing, I'm proud to have you as a sister."

Dethias Raine

"I was right on the bet when we were gonna get jumped during your wedding. I shoulda made one when your adoptive parents died too. Alright, maybe that's a little harsh, but what can I say about Dethias that hasn't already been said from others? Poor man is blind and has the weight of an entire family with threats around every corner. Hopefully he doesn't expose his weakness for anyone to come and exploit it."

Rinari Raine

"Vibrant golden eyes, check. Ebon black hair with golden highlights? Check. Vicious in combat and wears full black? You sure you were Almark's bastard and not mine? Jokes aside, from what little experience I've had with you, I can tell from the rest of the family how much of a joy you are to be around. I hope you find yourself some chocolate scales sooner than later."

OOC Information

Behind the Viper's venom

General Info

Hey, hey, hey, I'm the writer behind this character and all of the crazy antics he gets himself into. I'd first like to say thank you so much for giving this carrd a read. It's been a whole lotta fun creating and I hope you weren't too bored with the character!I guess you could call me a veteran RPer as cringy as that sounds lmao. I've started writing way long back on WoW to actually learn English as my second language. Because of it I sometimes might have a typo here and there, and I uhh, tend to multi-para heavily. If your friends ever warned you about the guy who can type three paragraphs about him just standing there doing nothing, I'm that guy.But jokes and most of that aside, or as much as it can be, I am someone who loves being able to make amazing storylines that challenge a character and be able to experience everyone's lovely stories so that we can all grow as writers! Though what I don't love is shit like taking IC into OOC and vice versa, I hate having to mention it in the first place, but it's still something that happens. If my character's an ass/flirty/whateverthefuck to yours, it doesn't reflect how I feel OOCly about you. It's probably much worse If there's any confusion or something needs clarifying, I'm more than happy to talk it over and get to the bottom of it!Other things which I enjoy is that of having dark and mature themes, something which challenges a character and allows for natural progression to occur. I love it so, so much, being able to create believable characters is something I'm always down for! The same applies for combat rp, if you ever want to set anything up, feel free to hit me up!Though I'm not gonna lie, even within the world of Final Fantasy, I'll admit, I enjoy keeping things relatively grounded. Now that doesn't mean no magic or anything, I'm just not a fan of demi-gods and meta-gamers who have a wealth of knowledge and can 'nope' any problem away with a couple of strokes on their keyboard. I love having substance and impact to further challenge characters in growth.


Data Center: Crystal
Server: Mateus
In-game name: Oraborus Musa
Discord: Andreas#2168


City or wilds, there are always monsters about.

Of the Steppe

"I can be an entire landmass away and yet, I still feel my heart beat the drums of war."
Those which have experienced everything the Azim Steppe had, the ultimate land where one's soul is truly free. Perhaps the Xaela of the Musa clan would have crossed paths with another, or even so, seen those marked by their ancestral home and wish to reminisce.

Monster Hunter

"You surprised? Man tried to swindle and then dance with a Xaela."
Regarded as a hunter of the Musa Clan, the Xaela was known to specialize in taking numerous contracts ranging from the most unsightly and ferocious of beasts, to even those which tread the line into becoming no better than the monsters people fear. Those which are willing to pay for his services will know first-hand of his grace and prowess.


"The Golden Viper, still alive in the flesh and bringing terror to those punks who don't know who they just insulted."
Throughout the years the legend of the Golden Viper grew, rumors ranging to that of romanticized praise regarding his cunning and prowess in battle. To those simply writing him off as nothing more than a bloodthirsty barbarian. Whatever one may believe, the Viper of old has returned to Kugane, always in search of potential assets.